With 8,500 square miles and an average of 3 people per square mile, this Region is very rural and sparsely populated. We enjoy wide-open spaces, but distance and isolation are very real problems for many seniors
Cheyenne County
A county of rich farmland and industrious population, a county of windmills, flowing waters, and communities whose names…Smoky Hill River, Eureka and Bellyache creeks, Wildhorse, Arapahoe, and Firstview…evoke the not too distant frontier past. A county where the tracks of the Santa Fe Trail Wagon Train and the Wells Fargo Stage Coach can still be seen. Early forests, as well as dugout and soddy homes still remain.
- Total Population…1,742
- 60+ Population…510
- Land Area…1,782 square miles
- Persons per square mile…0.97
- County Seat…Cheyenne Wells
Senior Services Coordinators perform a wide variety of job responsibilities, including outreach, reporting, bus driving, composition/distribution of newsletters, planning activities, coordination with other community programs and services, advocating for the rights of elderly citizens, long term care ombudsmen, as well as continuing to watch for signs of elder abuse among the elderly residents of the region.
Elbert County
This county, shaped like an ‘L’ on its side, stretches 50 miles east to west along its length. A spur from the nearby Rockies runs west to east, forming a plateau-like ridge as high as 7,350 feet. The precipitation along this divide causes an abundance of creeks, whose names…Arickaree, Comanche, and Kiowa…speak to the plains tribes that roamed in the area when its first settlers arrived.
- Total Population…26,187
- 60+ Population…6,865
- Land Area…1,854 square miles
- Persons per square mile…14.12
- County Seat…Kiowa
Senior Services Coordinators perform a wide variety of job responsibilities, including outreach, reporting, bus driving, composition/distribution of newsletters, planning activities, coordination with other community programs and services, advocating for the rights of elderly citizens, long term care ombudsmen, as well as continuing to watch for signs of elder abuse among the elderly residents of the region.
Kit Carson County
This county is a vast rectangle crossed by the South Fork of the Republican River and its tributaries, a mixture of level prairie and valley lands along the streams, with Kansas along its eastern border. Horse ranchers were the first settlers, whose stock ranged widely between the water courses. After the Rock Island Railroad arrived, a wave of homesteaders claimed about every half section in the county.
- Total Population…7,077
- 60+ Population…1,884
- Land Area…2.163 square miles
- Persons per square mile…3.27
- County Seat…Burlington
Senior Services Coordinators perform a wide variety of job responsibilities, including outreach, reporting, bus driving, composition/distribution of newsletters, planning activities, coordination with other community programs and services, advocating for the rights of elderly citizens, long term care ombudsmen, as well as continuing to watch for signs of elder abuse among the elderly residents of the region.
Lincoln County
Twin blessings led to this county’s settlement and growth in the last quarter of the last century and they lead to its prosperity and opportunity today. It is a county of rich and fertile soil, plentifully watered by the Big Sandy Alluvial and Ogallala Aquifer. As a result, homesteaders came. Their hard, unglamorous work was rewarded by the land’s bounty.
- Total Population…5,658
- 60+ Population…1,394
- Land Area…2,586 square miles
- Persons per square mile…2.18
- County Seat…Hugo
Senior Services Coordinators perform a wide variety of job responsibilities, including outreach, reporting, bus driving, composition/distribution of newsletters, planning activities, coordination with other community programs and services, advocating for the rights of elderly citizens, long term care ombudsmen, as well as continuing to watch for signs of elder abuse among the elderly residents of the region.
Senior Services Coordinators
The Senior Services Coordinator positions are supported with OAA and local funding and range from part-time to full-time status. The coordinators perform a wide variety of job functions including the following: outreach, information sharing and referral to appropriate agencies/organizations, reporting, bus driving, distribution of monthly newsletters, planning activities, coordination with other community programs and services, and advocating for the rights of elderly citizens.
Cheyenne County:
Elbert County:
Bill Mock, Elizabeth
Kay Campbell, Simla
Kit Carson County:
James “Mitch” Mitchell, Burlington
Renee Fritzler, Flagler
Deborah Babbitt, Seibert
Kelley Hazen, Stratton
Lincoln County:
Wanda Kasten, Arriba/Genoa
Phyllis Bowker-Dering, Limon
Virginia Chaffin, Hugo Town Hall
For information about how to contract a service coordinator in your area, contact the area agency at: 719-348-5562 -or- 1-800-825-0208